
Monday 28 October 2013

Update of the GIZ-HERA publication‚ microgasification - cooking with gas from biomass

"If you are involved with any cookstoves that are micro-gasifiers, please read the message below about getting the updated news submitted for a revised edition about those stoves (many of which produce charcoal/biochar.)
If you are not familiar with the first edition (January 2011), you can see it on the Internet at the link provided below."

Biochar used to produce supercapacitors

"Researchers report that wood-biochar supercapacitors can produce as much power as today’s activated-carbon supercapacitors at a fraction of the cost."

Monday 14 October 2013

Stephen Joseph - Biochar R&D in Asia and Australia

This is a followup to my earlier post on the British Biochar Foundation conference video coverage. This keynote address has a lot of interesting information on biochar activity in Asia - highly recommended...

Sunday 13 October 2013

Biochar -- Putting the carbon Genie back in the bottle: Rob Lerner at TEDxSanMiguelDeAllende

A new TED talk on biochar...

Other biochar related TED-type talks...

TEDxBerkeley - Lopa Brunjes - Biochar: An Ancient Solution to a Modern Problem

TEDxHilo - Josiah Hunt - Biochar and the Future of Farming

The Carbon Negative Revolution: Jason Aramburu at TEDxMission